Table of Contents
Front Matter
Introduction to 3D Printing
3D Models and Thingiverse
Computer Aided Design and Tinkercad
3D Printing Success Classroom Curriculum
Introduction to K-2 Lessons
2D Shapes and 3D Shapes (K-2)
Sight Word Practice (K-2)
Sink or Float (K-2)
Place Value (K-2)
Types of Punctuation (K-2)
Compass Rose (K-2)
Introduction to 3-5 Lessons
Messages within Folktales and Fables Using Symbols (3-5)
Observable Properties of Matter (3-5)
Partitioning with PLA (3-5)
Seeing Words as Symbols (3-5)
Snack Cup Creations (3-5)
Great Pencil Pick Up (3-5)
Making Money (3-5)
Reading Monopoly (3-5)
Geometry Park (3-5)
Revolutionary War Freedom Symbol (3-5)
Volume of a Rectangular Prism (3-5)
Affixes and Greek and Latin Roots (3-5)
Introduction to 6-12 Lessons
Create Your Own Water Coaster
Cybersecurity Breakout Game
General Music Game Creation Project
Volume, Density, and Mass, Oh My!
Reduce the Waste
Making Your World a Better Place
Reference/Support Materials
The Workplane
Renaming Files
Opening STL Files in TInkercad
Solids and Holes
Scaling, Rotating, and Moving Objects
Grouping Objects
Aligning Objects
Saving and Exporting STL Files
A Complete Design
Downloading Files
The Thingiverse Community
Uploading Your Creations
Leaving Comments
MakerBot SKETCH Printer Features and Functions

About this course
- 74 lessons
- Standards-aligned to CCSS, NGSS, ISTE, STEL, and CSTA
- K-12